Savage Comebacks to “You are a Noob” 🕹️

Lucy Wright

Picture this: you’re playing your favorite online game, deeply focused, and suddenly, someone types, “You are a noob.” Your initial reaction might be to get defensive or annoyed, but why not turn the tables with a savage comeback? We’ve all faced those moments when someone tries to belittle us, but with the right words, you can confidently shut down the negativity and even have a little fun.

In this guide, I’ll share 30 witty and bold responses that will help you handle “You are a noob” like a pro, ensuring you stay cool and in control!

What Does “You are a Noob” Mean?

The term “noob” is slang for “newbie” or someone inexperienced, often used in online gaming or social media to mock someone’s lack of skill. It’s meant to be an insult, but with the right comeback, you can turn the tables and show that confidence is your strongest weapon. Let’s explore 30 creative ways to respond and reclaim the narrative!

30 Savage Comebacks to “You are a Noob”

1. “Yeah, a noob who’s still beating you!”

Story: Someone calls you a noob after you outperform them in a game.
When to use: When you’re actually winning or doing well.
When not to use: If you’re genuinely struggling in the game.
Example: “Yeah, a noob who’s still beating you!”

2. “Keep talking while I carry the team.”

Story: You’re focused on playing well, but someone mocks you in the chat.
When to use: When you’re contributing positively to the game or team.
When not to use: If you’re not actively playing or participating.
Example: “Keep talking while I carry the team.”

3. “I’d rather be a noob than a sore loser.”

Story: Someone insults you after losing a round to you.
When to use: When they’re clearly upset about losing.
When not to use: If they’re just teasing and not really upset.
Example: “I’d rather be a noob than a sore loser.”

4. “Noob today, pro tomorrow.”

Story: You’re new to a game, but eager to learn and improve.
When to use: When you’re genuinely new but confident in your ability to improve.
When not to use: If you’re not planning to stick with the game long-term.
Example: “Noob today, pro tomorrow.”

5. “At least I’m learning, what’s your excuse?”

Story: Someone criticizes your gameplay in an unhelpful way.
When to use: When you want to point out that everyone starts somewhere.
When not to use: If you’re not actually interested in improving.
Example: “At least I’m learning, what’s your excuse?”

6. “I’m just here to have fun, unlike you.”

Story: Someone takes the game way too seriously and starts calling you names.
When to use: When you want to highlight that it’s just a game.
When not to use: If you’re also getting frustrated or too competitive.
Example: “I’m just here to have fun, unlike you.”

7. “You talk like a noob expert!”

Story: A player who doesn’t know much calls you a noob.
When to use: When they don’t actually have much experience themselves.
When not to use: If they’re clearly an experienced player.
Example: “You talk like a noob expert!”

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8. “I guess we all start somewhere, right?”

Story: You’re in a game where you’re genuinely new and making mistakes.
When to use: When you want to acknowledge your inexperience but still remain positive.
When not to use: If you’re feeling sensitive about your lack of skills.
Example: “I guess we all start somewhere, right?”

9. “I’d rather be a noob than a troll.”

Story: Someone repeatedly mocks or taunts you in the chat.
When to use: When you want to shut down a toxic player.
When not to use: If the person is joking and you don’t want to escalate.
Example: “I’d rather be a noob than a troll.”

10. “Just give me a few more games, and we’ll see who’s the noob.”

Story: You’re new but confident in your ability to improve quickly.
When to use: When you’re willing to learn and get better fast.
When not to use: If you’re not planning to continue playing.
Example: “Just give me a few more games, and we’ll see who’s the noob.”

11. “I’m new, but at least I’m not rude.”

Story: A rude player keeps calling you a noob.
When to use: When you want to highlight their bad attitude.
When not to use: If you don’t want to engage in an argument.
Example: “I’m new, but at least I’m not rude.”

12. “Is that the best you’ve got?”

Story: Someone tries to insult you, but it doesn’t bother you at all.
When to use: When you want to show that their insults have no effect on you.
When not to use: If you’re genuinely feeling hurt or upset.
Example: “Is that the best you’ve got?”

13. “If I’m a noob, then you must be the coach!”

Story: A more experienced player keeps calling you a noob while you’re learning.
When to use: When you want to turn their insult into a joke.
When not to use: If they’re actually trying to help you improve.
Example: “If I’m a noob, then you must be the coach!”

14. “Sorry, I can’t hear you over my awesome gameplay.”

Story: You’re playing well, but someone still calls you a noob.
When to use: When you’re confident in your skills despite their insults.
When not to use: If you’re actually struggling with the game.
Example: “Sorry, I can’t hear you over my awesome gameplay.”

15. “Your opinion has been noted…and ignored.”

Story: Someone gives their unwanted critique of your skills.
When to use: When you want to dismiss their comment with humor.
When not to use: If you’re seeking genuine feedback.
Example: “Your opinion has been noted…and ignored.”

16. “I may be a noob, but at least I’m not bitter.”

Story: A salty player tries to put you down after losing.
When to use: When you want to point out their negative attitude.
When not to use: If they’re just joking around with no malice.
Example: “I may be a noob, but at least I’m not bitter.”

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17. “We all start somewhere. You just forgot where you began.”

Story: A veteran player forgets that everyone starts as a beginner.
When to use: When you want to remind them of their own beginnings.
When not to use: If they’re genuinely being supportive.
Example: “We all start somewhere. You just forgot where you began.”

18. “Call me a noob all you want; it doesn’t make you a pro.”

Story: Someone keeps calling you a noob to feel superior.
When to use: When you want to undermine their arrogance.
When not to use: If you’re already feeling upset.
Example: “Call me a noob all you want; it doesn’t make you a pro.”

19. “Oh no, I’m so offended…not!”

Story: A sarcastic response to someone trying to offend you.
When to use: When you want to make it clear you’re not bothered.
When not to use: If you think it will provoke further insults.
Example: “Oh no, I’m so offended…not!”

20. “Well, at least I’m not boring.”

Story: A playful response when someone tries to insult you in a dull way.
When to use: When you want to keep the tone light and humorous.
When not to use: If you think the other person might take it too seriously.
Example: “Well, at least I’m not boring.”

21. “Noob and proud!”

Story: Embrace the insult and own it with confidence.
When to use: When you want to show that you’re not affected by their words.
When not to use: If you feel insecure about your skills.
Example: “Noob and proud!”

22. “I’d rather be a noob than a keyboard warrior.”

Story: Someone insults you while hiding behind a screen.
When to use: When you want to call out their cowardice.
When not to use: If you don’t want to engage in further conflict.
Example: “I’d rather be a noob than a keyboard warrior.”

23. “At least I’m playing and not just complaining.”

Story: A player constantly complains about your skills instead of playing.
When to use: When you want to shift focus back to the game.
When not to use: If you’re also complaining.
Example: “At least I’m playing and not just complaining.”

24. “I’m new, but at least I’m not stuck in the past.”

Story: Someone older or more experienced mocks your beginner status.
When to use: When you want to point out that they were once beginners too.
When not to use: If they’re being kind and offering genuine advice.
Example: “I’m new, but at least I’m not stuck in the past.”

25. “Your words are as effective as your gameplay.”

Story: A weak player tries to insult you.
When to use: When you want to mock their poor skills.
When not to use: If they’re actually better than you.
Example: “Your words are as effective as your gameplay.”

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26. “If I’m a noob, then what are you?”

Story: Someone calls you a noob, but you’ve outperformed them.
When to use: When you’re confident you’ve done better than them.
When not to use: If you’re not sure about your performance.
Example: “If I’m a noob, then what are you?”

27. “I’d rather be a noob than insecure.”

Story: Someone’s comments seem rooted in their own insecurities.
When to use: When you want to call them out on their negativity.
When not to use: If they’re just playing around.
Example: “I’d rather be a noob than insecure.”

28. “I’m a noob? Funny, coming from you!”

Story: Someone who isn’t very good tries to insult you.
When to use: When their insult is clearly ironic.
When not to use: If they’re genuinely better than you.
Example: “I’m a noob? Funny, coming from you!”

29. “Thanks for noticing! I’m still learning.”

Story: You’re new but open to learning and improving.
When to use: When you want to turn their insult into a positive statement.
When not to use: If you’re not interested in improving.
Example: “Thanks for noticing! I’m still learning.”

30. “If being a noob means I get to ignore you, I’m in!”

Story: Someone’s constant insults start to get annoying.
When to use: When you want to shut them down with humor.
When not to use: If you don’t want to escalate the conflict.
Example: “If being a noob means I get to ignore you, I’m in!”

When to Use These Comebacks

Use these responses when you want to deflect negativity, show confidence, or inject humor into the situation.

When Not to Use These Comebacks

Avoid using these replies if the other person is being genuinely friendly or if the situation is serious and requires a different approach.

Top 10 Editor Choice Responses

  1. “Yeah, a noob who’s still beating you!” – Perfect when you’re actually winning.
  2. “Keep talking while I carry the team.” – Great for showing you’re focused on the game.
  3. “I’d rather be a noob than a sore loser.” – Ideal for handling a bitter opponent.
  4. “Noob today, pro tomorrow.” – Shows confidence in your growth.
  5. “I’m just here to have fun, unlike you.” – Highlights that gaming is for enjoyment.
  6. “You talk like a noob expert!” – Funny for when the critic isn’t much better.
  7. “At least I’m learning, what’s your excuse?” – A great response to anyone who mocks your progress.
  8. “I’d rather be a noob than a troll.” – Calls out toxicity directly.
  9. “Just give me a few more games, and we’ll see who’s the noob.” – Shows determination.
  10. “I’m new, but at least I’m not rude.” – Simple yet powerful, focusing on kindness.

About the author

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