What Rock Have You Been Hiding Under?

Lucy Wright

A few months ago, I ran into an old friend at the coffee shop. We hadn’t seen each other in ages, and I was genuinely curious about what they had been up to. When I asked, they laughed and said, “What rock have you been hiding under?” It turned out they’d been swamped with new projects and life changes.

This playful question not only broke the ice but also made me realize how much we can miss out on when we’re caught up in our own bubble. Since then, I’ve used this phrase to poke fun at myself and others for being out of the loop.

What Does “What Rock Have You Been Hiding Under?” Mean?

The phrase “What rock have you been hiding under?” is a playful and slightly sarcastic way to ask someone why they seem unaware of recent events or changes. It’s often used when someone seems out of touch or behind on current happenings. While it can be humorous, it’s important to use it in a friendly and non-judgmental manner to avoid offending someone who might genuinely be out of the loop due to personal reasons.

1. Returning to Work After a Long Absence

You’ve been away from work for a while and come back to find things have changed. A colleague notices your surprise.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? There’s a new project manager now!”

When to use: When catching up on changes after a long absence.
When not to use: If the person is struggling to adjust and needs support.

2. Running into an Old Friend at a Party

You meet an old friend at a party who seems surprised by your knowledge of recent events.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? Everyone’s been talking about this for weeks!”

When to use: To playfully point out their lack of awareness in a casual setting.
When not to use: If you sense they’ve been dealing with personal issues.

3. Noticing a Colleague’s Lack of Updates

A coworker seems unaware of the latest team developments, and you want to lighten the mood.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? We just had a major team restructuring!”

When to use: When you want to humorously address their lack of updates.
When not to use: If they’re new to the team and need time to catch up.

4. Asking a Friend About Recent News

A friend hasn’t heard about a major news story that’s been widely discussed.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? That news has been everywhere!”

When to use: When you’re surprised by their lack of awareness about a hot topic.
When not to use: If they might have been intentionally avoiding the news for personal reasons.

5. Discovering a Family Member’s Ignorance of a Trend

A family member doesn’t know about a popular trend or event that everyone is talking about.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This trend is all over social media!”

When to use: When addressing their unawareness of a widespread trend.
When not to use: If they’ve been intentionally disconnected from social media.

6. Encountering a Neighbor Who Doesn’t Know Local Changes

You find out your neighbor isn’t aware of recent changes in the neighborhood.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? They’ve just built a new park nearby!”

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When to use: To highlight their lack of awareness about local developments.
When not to use: If they’ve been busy and haven’t had time to keep up.

7. Responding to Someone Who Missed a Group Chat

A group chat has been buzzing, and someone seems clueless about the conversation.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? We’ve been discussing this non-stop!”

When to use: When you’re surprised they missed important group discussions.
When not to use: If they’ve been unable to participate due to personal reasons.

8. Reacting to a Colleague’s Surprise at New Policies

A colleague is surprised by new workplace policies they weren’t aware of.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? The new policies were announced last month!”

When to use: When addressing their lack of awareness about workplace changes.
When not to use: If they’ve been out of the office and missed the announcement.

9. Commenting on a Friend’s Lack of Knowledge About a Movie

A friend hasn’t seen a highly talked-about movie that everyone’s discussing.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? That movie has been the talk of the town!”

When to use: To highlight their surprise at missing out on popular culture.
When not to use: If they haven’t had the chance to see the movie for personal reasons.

10. Pointing Out a Student’s Ignorance of Current Events

A student seems unaware of recent events or news topics that are commonly discussed.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This topic has been in all the headlines!”

When to use: When addressing their lack of knowledge in an educational context.
When not to use: If they’re new to the subject and still learning.

11. Noticing a Friend’s Surprise at Common Knowledge

A friend is surprised by information that’s generally known among your circle.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? Everyone’s been talking about this!”

When to use: When you’re surprised by their lack of common knowledge.
When not to use: If they have been preoccupied with other matters.

12. Commenting on a Relative’s Lack of Awareness of Family News

A relative hasn’t heard about recent family news or events.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? We’ve had so much family news lately!”

When to use: To point out their lack of awareness about family updates.
When not to use: If they’ve been out of touch for personal reasons.

13. Responding to a Colleague Who Missed a Meeting

A colleague missed an important meeting and seems surprised by the outcomes.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? The meeting covered all the new updates!”

When to use: When addressing their surprise at missing key information.
When not to use: If they had a valid reason for missing the meeting.

14. Commenting on Someone’s Lack of Awareness of a Local Event

A person isn’t aware of a local event that’s been widely promoted.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This event was everywhere!”

When to use: To highlight their lack of awareness of a local event.
When not to use: If they’ve been intentionally avoiding local news.

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15. Reacting to a Family Member’s Ignorance of a New Product

A family member doesn’t know about a new product everyone’s talking about.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This product is all the rage!”

When to use: To address their unawareness of a popular product.
When not to use: If they’ve been uninterested in new products.

16. Commenting on a Friend’s Surprise at a Recent Achievement

A friend is surprised by your recent achievement or milestone.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? I’ve been talking about this for months!”

When to use: When you’re surprised they didn’t know about your achievement.
When not to use: If they’ve been busy and missed your updates.

17. Pointing Out Someone’s Lack of Awareness of a Book Release

A person hasn’t heard about a highly anticipated book release.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This book has been everywhere!”

When to use: To point out their surprise at missing a book release.
When not to use: If they’re not interested in books.

18. Addressing Someone’s Lack of Awareness About a Popular Song

A person doesn’t know about a song that’s been topping the charts.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This song is a hit!”

When to use: When addressing their surprise at missing a popular song.
When not to use: If they’re not into mainstream music.

19. Responding to a New Employee’s Lack of Knowledge About Company Culture

A new employee seems unaware of your company’s culture or norms.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This is part of our company culture!”

When to use: To gently address their unawareness in a work setting.
When not to use: If they’re new and still learning the ropes.

20. Noticing a Neighbor’s Lack of Awareness of Local Changes

A neighbor doesn’t know about recent changes in the neighborhood.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? We just had a new shopping center open!”

When to use: When highlighting their unawareness of local developments.
When not to use: If they’ve been preoccupied with personal matters.

21. Pointing Out a Friend’s Surprise at a Common Fact

A friend seems surprised by a fact that’s generally well-known.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? That’s basic knowledge!”

When to use: When addressing their lack of knowledge about a common fact.
When not to use: If they’ve been busy with other things.

22. Reacting to Someone’s Lack of Awareness of a Major Event

A person hasn’t heard about a major event that’s been widely covered.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This event is all anyone’s talking about!”

When to use: To point out their surprise at missing a major event.
When not to use: If they’re not interested in current events.

23. Commenting on a Colleague’s Lack of Knowledge About a New Initiative

A colleague isn’t aware of a new company initiative.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? The new initiative was announced last week!”

When to use: When addressing their lack of awareness about work changes.
When not to use: If they’re new and still learning about the company.

24. Pointing Out a Friend’s Surprise at a Recent Trend

A friend seems surprised by a new trend that’s been popular for a while.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? Everyone’s been talking about this trend!”

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When to use: To highlight their surprise at missing a trend.
When not to use: If they’ve been uninterested in trends.

25. Responding to Someone’s Surprise at a Recent Development

A person is surprised by a recent development you assumed was common knowledge.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This development was all over the news!”

When to use: When you’re surprised they didn’t know about recent developments.
When not to use: If they’ve been focusing on other priorities.

26. Addressing Someone’s Lack of Awareness of a Recent Event

A person hasn’t heard about a recent event that’s been widely covered.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This event was everywhere!”

When to use: To address their unawareness of a recent event.
When not to use: If they’re not interested in current affairs.

27. Noticing a Friend’s Lack of Knowledge About a New Gadget

A friend doesn’t know about the latest tech gadget everyone’s excited about.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This gadget is the latest craze!”

When to use: To highlight their surprise at missing a tech trend.
When not to use: If they’re not interested in gadgets.

28. Commenting on a Colleague’s Surprise at a Recent Announcement

A colleague is surprised by a recent company announcement.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? The announcement was made last month!”

When to use: When addressing their surprise at missing an announcement.
When not to use: If they had a reason for missing the announcement.

29. Responding to a Family Member’s Lack of Knowledge About a Recent Family Event

A family member doesn’t know about a recent family event.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? We had a big family reunion last weekend!”

When to use: To point out their surprise at missing family news.
When not to use: If they’ve been out of touch for valid reasons.

30. Noticing Someone’s Lack of Awareness of a Popular Online Trend

A person isn’t aware of a popular online trend that’s been widely discussed.
Example: “What rock have you been hiding under? This trend has been all over social media!”

When to use: To address their unawareness of an online trend.
When not to use: If they’re not active on social media.

Top 10 Editor Choice Responses

  1. “What rock have you been hiding under? That’s been everywhere!”
  2. “What rock have you been hiding under? Everyone’s been talking about this!”
  3. “What rock have you been hiding under? This is the big news!”
  4. “What rock have you been hiding under? This trend is all the rage!”
  5. “What rock have you been hiding under? This event is a major deal!”
  6. “What rock have you been hiding under? That’s old news!”
  7. “What rock have you been hiding under? It’s been the talk of the town!”
  8. “What rock have you been hiding under? This update was just announced!”
  9. “What rock have you been hiding under? This gadget is the latest must-have!”
  10. “What rock have you been hiding under? This development was huge!”

About the author

Pretium lorem primis senectus habitasse lectus donec ultricies tortor adipiscing fusce morbi volutpat pellentesque consectetur risus molestie curae malesuada. Dignissim lacus convallis massa mauris enim mattis magnis senectus montes mollis phasellus.

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