Best Responses to “Oh Wow” 😲

Justin Taylor

Imagine you’ve just shared an incredible story with a friend, and they respond with an amazed, “Oh wow.” It’s that moment of awe and surprise that often leaves you wondering how to keep the conversation flowing.

I had this experience last month when I told a friend about a surprise trip I had planned. Their reaction was a perfect “Oh wow!” I had to think quickly about how to respond in a way that kept the excitement going.

Knowing how to reply to such reactions can enhance your conversations and maintain engagement. Let’s explore the best ways to respond!

Best Responses to “Oh Wow”

When someone says “Oh wow,” it usually means they’re impressed, surprised, or intrigued. Your response can either expand on the topic, share more details, or steer the conversation in a new direction. Use these responses when you want to keep the conversation lively, share additional information, or express enthusiasm. Avoid these responses when the conversation is shifting away from the topic, or if you need to change the subject tactfully.

30 Headings with Backstory and Example Sentences

  1. “I know, right? It was incredible!” When you’ve just shared something amazing, this response keeps the excitement alive.
    • Example: “I just met my favorite celebrity!”
      Reply: “I know, right? It was incredible!”
  2. When to use: When you want to share in their excitement.
    When not to use: If you need to shift the topic quickly.

  1. “Isn’t it? I can’t believe it either!” This shows your shared amazement and keeps the conversation engaging.
    • Example: “You got a promotion?”
      Reply: “Isn’t it? I can’t believe it either!”
  2. When to use: When you want to express mutual surprise.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs to move on to another topic.

  1. “I was just as surprised as you!” A way to connect with their reaction by expressing your own surprise.
    • Example: “You won the contest?”
      Reply: “I was just as surprised as you!”
  2. When to use: When you want to relate to their reaction.
    When not to use: If you need to give more context or details.

  1. “Totally! It was beyond what I expected.” This response emphasizes your amazement and can lead to more discussion.
    • Example: “You traveled to five countries?”
      Reply: “Totally! It was beyond what I expected.”
  2. When to use: When you want to highlight the magnitude of the situation.
    When not to use: If you need to provide more specifics.

  1. “I’m glad you think so! It’s been quite a journey.” Acknowledges their reaction and adds a personal touch to the conversation.
    • Example: “You started a new business?”
      Reply: “I’m glad you think so! It’s been quite a journey.”
  2. When to use: When you want to acknowledge their response and provide more detail.
    When not to use: If the topic needs to be steered elsewhere.

  1. “I was just as amazed when it happened!” Reinforces that you share their level of amazement.
    • Example: “You met your idol?”
      Reply: “I was just as amazed when it happened!”
  2. When to use: When you want to emphasize shared excitement.
    When not to use: If you need to introduce new information.
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  1. “It really is something special, isn’t it?” This response invites them to reflect on what makes the situation special.
    • Example: “You completed a marathon?”
      Reply: “It really is something special, isn’t it?”
  2. When to use: When you want to highlight the significance of the event.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs a different direction.

  1. “I thought the same thing when I first heard!” Shows empathy and shared excitement about the news.
    • Example: “You got featured in the magazine?”
      Reply: “I thought the same thing when I first heard!”
  2. When to use: When you want to relate your feelings with theirs.
    When not to use: If you need to share more details.

  1. “I’m thrilled you’re excited! It’s been an amazing experience.” A positive response that shows you value their enthusiasm.
    • Example: “You finally published your book?”
      Reply: “I’m thrilled you’re excited! It’s been an amazing experience.”
  2. When to use: When you want to reinforce their excitement.
    When not to use: If you need to change the subject.

  1. “It was a wild ride, that’s for sure!” Emphasizes the excitement and unpredictability of the event.
    • Example: “You went on a surprise vacation?”
      Reply: “It was a wild ride, that’s for sure!”
  2. When to use: When you want to highlight the excitement of the experience.
    When not to use: If you need to move the conversation in a new direction.

  1. “I know, right? I can’t stop thinking about it!” Conveys how impactful the experience has been for you as well.
    • Example: “You finally got the job?”
      Reply: “I know, right? I can’t stop thinking about it!”
  2. When to use: When you want to express continued excitement.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs to shift focus.

  1. “It’s amazing, isn’t it? I’m still processing it.” Acknowledges their reaction and shares your ongoing feelings.
    • Example: “You won a big award?”
      Reply: “It’s amazing, isn’t it? I’m still processing it.”
  2. When to use: When you want to share that the event is still sinking in.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs to change.

  1. “I never expected it to turn out this way either!” Emphasizes the unexpected nature of the event.
    • Example: “You got to meet the president?”
      Reply: “I never expected it to turn out this way either!”
  2. When to use: When you want to highlight the surprising aspect.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs new information.

  1. “I was blown away too when I first heard!” Shows you share their level of amazement and excitement.
    • Example: “You traveled to space?”
      Reply: “I was blown away too when I first heard!”
  2. When to use: When you want to align with their reaction.
    When not to use: If more context is needed.

  1. “It really was a jaw-dropping moment for me too!” Reinforces the dramatic impact of the event.
    • Example: “You’re getting your dream job?”
      Reply: “It really was a jaw-dropping moment for me too!”
  2. When to use: When you want to share the dramatic effect of the event.
    When not to use: If you need to steer the conversation elsewhere.
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  1. “I’m still in shock too! It’s so surreal.” Expresses ongoing disbelief and excitement about the situation.
    • Example: “You’re going on a world tour?”
      Reply: “I’m still in shock too! It’s so surreal.”
  2. When to use: When you want to express shared disbelief.
    When not to use: If the topic needs a different focus.

  1. “I couldn’t believe it either when it happened!” Shows that you share the same level of disbelief or excitement.
    • Example: “You got the lead role in the play?”
      Reply: “I couldn’t believe it either when it happened!”
  2. When to use: When you want to express mutual surprise.
    When not to use: If you need to provide additional details.

  1. “I’m so glad you’re as excited as I am!” Acknowledges their excitement and adds to the enthusiasm.
    • Example: “You launched your own app?”
      Reply: “I’m so glad you’re as excited as I am!”
  2. When to use: When you want to match their enthusiasm.
    When not to use: If you need to change the subject.

  1. “It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m thrilled you think so too!” Highlights the significance of the event and shares your excitement.
    • Example: “You completed your first novel?”
      Reply: “It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m thrilled you think so too!”
  2. When to use: When you want to emphasize the journey and shared excitement.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs a new direction.

  1. “I’m still wrapping my head around it!” Shows that you’re still in the process of understanding the event.
    • Example: “You won the grand prize?”
      Reply: “I’m still wrapping my head around it!”
  2. When to use: When you’re still processing the event.
    When not to use: If you need to provide more specifics.

  1. “It was one of those ‘wow’ moments that you never forget!” Emphasizes the memorable nature of the event.
    • Example: “You met a movie star?”
      Reply: “It was one of those ‘wow’ moments that you never forget!”
  2. When to use: When you want to highlight the memorable aspect.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs new information.

  1. “I’m thrilled that you’re impressed! It’s been quite a ride.” Shows appreciation for their reaction and shares your experience.
    • Example: “You got a patent for your invention?”
      Reply: “I’m thrilled that you’re impressed! It’s been quite a ride.”
  2. When to use: When you want to share the experience and their reaction.
    When not to use: If you need to shift the topic.

  1. “I can’t get over it either! It’s been amazing.” Expresses shared disbelief and excitement.
    • Example: “You got engaged?”
      Reply: “I can’t get over it either! It’s been amazing.”
  2. When to use: When you want to express ongoing excitement.
    When not to use: If more details are required.
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  1. “It’s been a whirlwind, and I’m glad you’re excited too!” Highlights the fast-paced nature of the event and shared enthusiasm.
    • Example: “You’re moving to a new country?”
      Reply: “It’s been a whirlwind, and I’m glad you’re excited too!”
  2. When to use: When you want to express the fast-paced nature of the event.
    When not to use: If you need to focus on a different topic.

  1. “I was just as amazed as you are!” Reinforces that you share their level of amazement.
    • Example: “You won the lottery?”
      Reply: “I was just as amazed as you are!”
  2. When to use: When you want to emphasize mutual amazement.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs new direction.

  1. “I’m so glad you’re excited! It really was a special moment.” Shares your appreciation for their excitement and highlights the moment’s significance.
    • Example: “You got to meet your hero?”
      Reply: “I’m so glad you’re excited! It really was a special moment.”
  2. When to use: When you want to emphasize the importance of the event.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs to shift focus.

  1. “It was definitely a moment I’ll never forget!” Highlights the lasting impact of the event on you.
    • Example: “You completed your first triathlon?”
      Reply: “It was definitely a moment I’ll never forget!”
  2. When to use: When you want to share the lasting impact of the experience.
    When not to use: If more details are needed.

  1. “I’m still in awe of what happened!” Expresses ongoing awe and amazement about the event.
    • Example: “You graduated with honors?”
      Reply: “I’m still in awe of what happened!”
  2. When to use: When you want to express continued awe.
    When not to use: If the conversation needs a new direction.

  1. “It was a total game-changer for me!” Emphasizes how significant the event was for you.
    • Example: “You started your own business?”
      Reply: “It was a total game-changer for me!”
  2. When to use: When you want to highlight the impact of the event.
    When not to use: If you need to shift the conversation.

  1. “I’m so happy you’re as excited as I am! It’s been incredible.” Shares your enthusiasm and appreciation for their reaction.
    • Example: “You won a big competition?”
      Reply: “I’m so happy you’re as excited as I am! It’s been incredible.”
  2. When to use: When you want to reinforce mutual excitement.
    When not to use: If more context is needed.


Responding to an “Oh wow” moment with the right reply can make your conversation more engaging and meaningful. By choosing responses that either amplify the excitement, share additional details, or shift the conversation, you can maintain a dynamic and interesting dialogue.

Whether you’re sharing your own amazing news or reacting to someone else’s, the goal is to keep the energy positive and the conversation flowing. So next time someone says “Oh wow,” use these responses to turn that moment into a memorable exchange!

About the author

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